How To Get Your Child To Talk About Their School Day

When you ask your children how their day at school went, do you get a typical “fine”, it was ok” response? You’re not alone. As the school term progresses, how can we engage with our children in positive ways so that they feel comfortable opening up and sharing the good (and not so good) details about their day?

Here are a few tips.

  1. Make Your Questions Specific: Who did you play with at play time? What did you do in class? What did you have a hard time with? What was your favourite thing about your day? If you have an older child, be sure to make the questions more age-appropriate.
  2. Start by Talking About Your Day: Talk casually but specifically about what you ate for lunch, how you solved a particular problem, something funny about how you almost tripped going up the stairs or how you forgot your phone in the bathroom. .
  3. ⁠Connect First: School can be overwhelming with its long hours of endless stimulation. Wait till they’ve had a hug, a snack and maybe a nap before you begin the conversation. .
  4. Ask Open-Ended Questions: What was your favourite part of the day? Or can you tell me 2 or 3 interesting things that happened at school today?
  5. Ask Without making Eye Contact: Maybe whilst you’re driving home from school or preparing dinner. Eye contact May make children feel put on the spot especially if it’s something that they’re not sure you’d want to hear.

Remember that every child is different, and whilst one method might work very well for one child, it might not work at all for another.

“Curious about your child’s school day? The key to getting your child to talk about it is in how you ask the questions. Build a connection first, ask open-ended questions, and make them feel at ease. You’ll be amazed at what they’ll share.”

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Picture of Dr. Mya Okeowo

Dr. Mya Okeowo

Child Mental Health Specialist

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