
Self-Care Strategies For Parents

Self-care is simply put, the fuel that our minds and bodies need to function fully and adequately. Otherwise, we run the risk of burn out.

Set aside a few precious moments in your day to check in with yourself.

Here are a few self-care strategies you can experiment with:

- Exercise appropriately
- Eat well and Practice good sleep hygiene
- Go for a walk and spend time with nature
- Breathe deeply
- Connect with your spiritual self
- Use positive self talk
- Spend time with nature
- Listen to good music
- Engage your senses by lighting a candle, soaking in a bath, drinking herbal infusions.
- Maintain your social connections by spending time with friends.
- and my personal favourite, write a gratitude journal.

Whatever you do, take care of yourself because too.

Begin today. Integrate regular self-care strategies into your daily routine.

If you’re experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety or you think you may be depressed, please don’t keep it to yourself. Talk to someone about it.

"Self-care is the fuel that our minds and bodies need to function fully and adequately. Begin today to integrate regular self-care strategies into your daily routine."

Dr. Mya Okeowo


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