Used Books Drive



Train A Child Ideas is excited to launch its Books Drive initiative for underprivileged children. With the help of our friends and supporters, we hope to make a positive impact on the lives of many children across the country.

We believe that every child deserves equal opportunities to grow and learn, regardless of their economic background. Unfortunately, many children in our country lack access to basic resources, such as books and games, that are essential for their intellectual and emotional growth.

Our Books Drive initiative is our latest effort to bridge this gap and provide access to quality literature and games for underprivileged children. With the help of our friends and supporters, we hope to collect hundreds of books and board games that will be gifted to children in need. Our goal is to provide access to quality literature for underprivileged children as one way of helping these children discover the joys of reading and playing, and to inspire them to dream big and reach for the stars.

At Train A Child Ideas, we believe that education is the key to a brighter future. By investing in the education and well-being of underprivileged children, we can create a more equitable and prosperous society for all. We are excited to launch this initiative and invite you to join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of children in need.


Our objective is to collect hundreds of new and old books, as well as board games, to be gifted to underprivileged children across the country. We believe that access to literature and games can help to lift their spirits, stimulate their minds, and encourage them to think outside their current circumstances.

How You Can Contribute:

If you would like to contribute to this cause, please consider donating new or gently used books and board games. We welcome all genres, from children's books to novels and non-fiction. You can drop off your donations at any of our designated drop-off locations across the country.


Your contribution will make a huge difference in the lives of underprivileged children across the country. By providing access to quality literature and games, we hope to inspire and empower these children to reach their full potential. Join us in making a positive impact on the future of our country.


Project Details

Project Details


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